
peak date title streams tw
2020/05/05 CHANGE 18,861,413 1
2020/07/24 她沒在看我 16,244,131 1
2020/07/24 太陽 11,992,239 5
2020/09/18 Something I Don't Need 9,092,637 19
2020/07/24 WAIT 4,935,956 10
2021/07/02 * better off without you 3,293,440 5
2020/07/16 I Wish I Was There 3,209,537 8
2022/01/07 妹妹 2,750,242 12
2020/07/24 稱讚她的美 2,360,324 10
2020/07/24 Follow You 2,127,611 7
2020/07/26 Don't Worry About Me 1,425,262 45
2020/08/21 伯父 1,283,632 63
2021/12/24 Way Up 1,264,762 12
2024/07/12 * 慣老闆 826,881 49
2022/02/16 我的癮 736,834 19
2022/02/25 Married To The Game 630,107 36
2020/07/24 Hello Beautiful 586,497 79
2022/01/27 Amazing 567,391 33
2020/07/10 Money Bag 391,677 99
2021/04/15 * Trash Talk 388,697 36
2020/07/10 So Good To Me 250,037 106
2023/05/24 By Your Side 248,234 122
2023/02/21 * No Worry 225,902 114
2022/02/16 Bloodline 109,762 123
2020/07/10 INTRO 43,274 172
2020/05/28 天的創作 (電影 "第九分局" 主題曲) 29,918 146
2022/02/16 People 27,009 97
2022/02/16 達文西 26,557 94
2022/02/16 Tiffany 24,560 109
2022/02/16 Big Girl 23,492 123
2022/02/16 Lucid Dream 8,489 136